Sunday, July 26, 2009

gPodder and Enqueing your Oggcasts / Podcasts

Updated 07/26/09

(First Post Date 5/14/09)

I was fooling around trying to figure out how to use a lightweight media player, such as XFMedia Player a few days ago, trying to figure out how to enqueue / en-queue / que / en queue a file to the play-list from within gPodder without overwriting the current file. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it seems that most of the Linux Media players behave that way by default, Save Amarok. "Enqueue In SMPlayer" works well also. But I had started a hunt, and off I went. I never did find the one line command line fix to use XFMedia, but I did find a couple things that I didn't know about.


aqualung -N0 -E

This option loads the files, but does not start playback automatically, you can try the -L command for that, but that tends to start playback on the last one loaded. For more info look here. Options for remote cue control
Since I was looking for a lightweight media player I've kinda grown fond of Aqualung. It does provide some Podcast Support and also has a cool and funky way of adding media to it's Media List. I discovered Aqualung when I was testing out Sidux XFCE a month ago.

For VLC 0.9.9 fans, Try:

For Linux

vlc --playlist-enqueue --started-from-file

For Windows

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --playlist-enqueue --started-from-file

For Audacious

audacious --enqueue

Seems to work ok, but seems to be "skippy" Audacious wouldn't be my first choice.

I welcome any hints tips, comments or other tricks that I might have missed,


Join PlayOgg, a campaign to promote the use of free media formats including Ogg Vorbis and Ogg Theora.

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