Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Yugma = Linux Friendly Videoconferencing Software

Hey there. I keep hearing people talk about Go To Meeting, but Go To Meeting doesn't support Linux users. I figured that even though I haven't used Yugma (and don't ask me how you're supposed to say it, maybe it needs a little better branding, mabey?..)  I'd post a screen shot, and put it here, so I can easily find the link to them again.

I'm still trying to find the time to do the 100 things that I've got on my mental list to do for all my blogs. - One thing that I was thinking about for here, was to do some Blogger Tutorials, along with some Google Love...

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Issues with Linux Mint (or Debian Linux) and Xsane

#notetoself So, today, I was playing around with a new PC setup. And of course there was an issue with the HP Scanner. - I generally use Xsa...